The Doster foundation is a civil association non lucrative made by the Doster-Gomez family members. because their companies are dedicated to the production and commercialization of ornamental plants.We consider of particular relevance our contribution adding efforts to protect our environment. Because the environment is what allows life in our planet and with this the continuous of the human specie.
Our companies obtain the elementary quality of its production from the natural resources found in the state of Morelos , such as water, soil, flowered plants and best off all the climate. The excellence of our products are due to the work of over more than 900 homegrown persons and the natural resources found in Morelos, with their effort we have accomplished to be one of the most important companies in the state in what refers to ornamental plant production and commercialization at a national level and in the foreign countries.
The diversity of ornamental plants every time has more and more demand on the market.
Mr. and Mrs. Doster decided to leave as a legend for the actual and future generations a civil organization that contributes to the addition of efforts to stop and revert the environmental deterioration. And preserve the stability of the environment in Morelos.
The Doster foundation it’s integrated by Mr. Hans and Lulu Doster (President and Vice-president) and Fidel Ochoa who is the Managing Director.
Collaborate with various sectors of society in the protection and sustainable use of the country's natural heritage and, in particular, the state of Morelos
The mexican society and the most specific the Morelos State society, know and recognize the rich natural heritage of Mexicans, and as such, actively participate in its protection, restoration, conservation and sustainable use.
Our Values
We fulfill our commitments and legislation and we honor our word.
We treat with respect the inner and external user of the services we provide, we are tolerant with different points of view. And we understand that respect is used in all forms of life.
We respond to our commitments and duties assuming the consequence of our actions and decisions.
We look for the innovation and flexibility in what we do and we open spaces for personal and professional growth.
We favor the prevention focus more than the curative in what to do in the conservation and sustainable development. We consider the start of precautionary premises.
We consider that the best way to contribute to the natures conservation is by cooperation and adding efforts from every one to accomplish the restauration objectives and the protection of our biodiversity, natural resources and environment specially in Morelos.